Update: New England Aquarium Has Stopped Using Rat Poisons!

Update: The Aquarium announced late last month (july) that they had given up SGARs and would not be using *any* rodenticides or poisons. Please consider reaching out to thank them for making the right choice and listening to the public!

New England Aquarium, which is based in Boston, uses a kind of toxic "super" poisons on its property known as Second Generation Anticoagulant Rodenticides, or SGARs. These rodenticides are responsible for poisoning hundreds of animals in Massachusetts every year and thousands across the country. These poisons have killed several Bald Eagles in the Boston area in just the past two years, including MK the eagle in March. Eagles are still a species of Special Concern in the state of Massachusetts and these poisons are threatening their ability to recover in the state. These poisons also kill coyotes, foxes, hawks, and owls. In February, a sick barred owl was captured only a few blocks from the aquarium and found to be suffering from SGARs poisons. Though it recovered and was released, it lost an eye from the poisoning.

SGARs are also highly toxic to aquatic life and bait can flood into nearby waterways. If there was ever a flooding storm in the area, these poisons at the aquarium could potentially find their way into their own tanks and harm the animals in their care. Furthermore if a poisoned mouse or rat made its way to the nearby sea lion enclosure and one of them ate it, it would also become sick.

It is shocking that an organization dedicated to wildlife conservation would use poisons well known for killing vulnerable and threatened species and that pose possible risks to their own captive animals. Please demand that New England Aquarium stop using these rat poisons and opt for safer, poison-free alternatives consistent with their mission and values!

In addition to signing this petition, please contact the Aquarium directly by phone or email to tell them how you feel:


Update #1about a year ago
GOOD NEWS! The New England Aquarium has stopped using SGARs on their property! Thank you to everyone who signed the petition and/or contacted the Aquarium by phone or email to share their concerns. Please thank the Aquarium for listening to the public's demands and changing their practices.


Laura Kiesel
Founder, Save Arlington Wildlife
Poison Free Pledge Campaign
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