Velika Kladusa, a small town in the northwest part of Bosnia and Herzegovina, boosts itself to be a „European city“ at the gate of the European Union. However, when it comes to animal welfare, things are far from the EU as they could possibly be. Stray dogs and cats are roaming the streets, with no food or water, no shelter, no veterinary help, and with only one certainty – that they will die in horrible pain, in the cold, starving and sick. The dogs often have to resort to breaking into farms and killing sheep and chickens. Not only that – in February this year, despite the clear regulations of the Animal Protection and Welfare Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the hunting organisation illegally slaughtered over 50 dogs in one of the municipal communities of the town.
The local animal protection society „Topla šapa“ („Warm Paw“) has been pressuring the local authorities to stop breaking the aforementioned law and start building an animal shelter, which would, along with continuous sterilisations (spay/neuter programmes), help put these innocent beings into a warm facility with food and water, and reduce their number on the street, towards the goal of no animal suffering on the street at all. The animal shelter needs to be structured and run according to animal welfare standards, and not some makeshift shed with no windows or electricity - this was in the works just as a cover for the public, but has since been closed by the veterinary inspection.
Please help these poor animals and us, animal friends here, who have to witness the suffering of these wonderful beings every single day, to put a pressure on the local authorities to finally start listening to us and start taking care of stray animals! Sign the petition and pass it on! The petition will be handed personally to the mayor and the representatives of the municipal assembly! Also, if you leave a personal message, I will make sure to translate it into Bosnian, so they can read all your messages!
Tražimo azil za životinje u Velikoj Kladuši, uz implementiranje programa registracije kućnih ljubimaca i redovnu sterilizaciju i kastraciju!
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