LET THEM LIVE Reprieve the Pelorus Island "death row" dingoes now

  • by: Rheya Linden
  • recipient: Dr. Steven Miles, Queensland Minister for Environment and National Parks, Minister , Department of Agriculture and Fisheries & Premier of Queensland, Annastacia Palaszczuk


•We are grateful to Minister Steven Miles for already taking action to shut down the inhumane Pelorus Island goat eradication program that has contributed to the dingoes' present plight
(https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2016/aug/18/queensland-shuts-down-inhumane-goat-cull-using-poisoned-dingoes )

•BUT our petition asks that he again exercise his compassion by enforcing the speedy removal of the “death row” dingoes from Pelorus Island and approving their surrender to Eagles Nest Sanctuary & Wildlife Hospital where the poison implants will be removed and they will be safely housed for life

•WE also appeal to the Premier of Queensland, Anastacia Palaszczuk, and the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries to intervene on behalf of the poison-baited dingoes and ensure this humane outcome.

We are hopeful that with your help the “death row” dingoes will be reprieved before the 1080 implants activate, saving them from prolonged suffering and an excruciatingly painful death.

TO: The Honourable the Speaker,

and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland-

We, the signatories to the Petition ‘Let them Live: Reprieve the Pelorus Island "death row" dingoes', including many Queensland residents, draw to the attention of the House the unacceptable fate of the so-called “death row” dingoes released to Pelorus Island by Hinchinbrook Shire Council for the purpose of wild goat control.

Your petitioners therefore request the House to call on the Premier, The Honourable Annastacia Palaszczuk, the Minister for the Environment and Heritage Protection,The Honourable Dr. Steven Miles and the Minister for Agriculture, The Honourable Bill Byrne, to bring about a humane end of the sorry saga on Pelorus Island as speedily as possible by enforcing the darting, capture and return of the “death row” dingoes to the mainland and approving their release to Eagles Nest Wildlife Sanctuary where they can be housed for life and the 1080 implants removed to avoid further suffering and a prolonged and painful death.

Your petitioners further draw to the attention of the House the considerable number of international signatories pleading for the reprieve of the stranded Pelorus Island dingoes, who may be deterred from visiting Queensland on the basis of a global perception that the State endorses barbaric animal treatment.

Update #48 years ago
Dear supporters, Hinchinbrook Council that placed the poison-baited dingoes on Pelorus Island has now decided to shoot them! PLEASE EMAIL Minister Steven Miles and urge him to intervene to save the dingoes' lives. They have suffered enough and should be returned to the mainland and released to a dingo sanctuary without delay. Send messages to:
environment@ministerial.qld.gov.au AND COPY to the Premier, Annastacia Palaszczuk : thepremier@premiers.qld.gov.au THANK YOU!
Update #38 years ago
Dear supporters Thanks to your efforts we are almost there-only 78 signatures away from our petition goal!! We can't wait to send the petition along with your heartfelt comments to the Queensland government urging for the immediate return and release of the "death row" dingoes to Eagles Nest Wildlife Sanctuary. Please share the link to our petition-http://www.care2.com/create/update-petition/287202735-& urge your friends and family to support this urgent action by adding their signature
Update #28 years ago
Thank you for signing our petition. Due to your support we are close to our goal. Continue to share the petition link with friends and family and please take one more important step-send an email to the Queensland Government and ask them to urgently reprieve the “death row” dingoes and ensure their return to the mainland as soon as possible. Please email your message to: thepremier@premiers.qld.gov.au, agriculture@ministerial.qld.gov.au, environment@ministerial.qld.gov.au
Update #18 years ago
Thank you for signing our petition to save the Pelorus Island "death row" dingoes- ( http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/287/202/735/). Because of your support we are already almost half way to our goal. Please take one more step-share the petition link with your friends and family to help us reach our goal soon-so we can prevent the excruciating suffering and prolonged death of the dingoes should the poison pellets activate.
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