• by: Carol Wolman
  • recipient: International Olympic Committee and all IOC members

According to recent reports- see below- the March 2011 catastrophic meltdown of 3 nuclear reactors in Fukushima Japan continues to contaminate a wide area, including Tokyo.   Athletes, their families and fans, need to be protected from radiation, which causes cancer, birth defects and abortions.

Sept 2016-  Former premier Junichiro Koizumi said that Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's promise that the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant was "under control" in his successful pitch three years ago for Tokyo to host the 2020 Olympic Games "was a lie".

July 2016- Arnie Gundersen, nuclear engineer, found that Tokyo remains contaminated. He measured dust… and found a high dose of radiation. That dust is in the air that will be inhaled by the visitors and athletes of the 2020 Olympics.

Mr. Gundersen noted: the decontaminated land is contaminated again.  The radiation from the mountains is coming back to the city by way of wind and rain,  from the extreme radioactive contamination of the mountains… vegetables grown in that area exceed the government’s standard by 1500 Bq.

February 2016- Dr. Mita, a Japanese physician says " Tokyo should be evacuated. Much Of Japan, Including Tokyo Is Radiation Contaminated After The Fukushima Mega Nuclear Disaster; Water, Sewage Sludge, Ground, Forests."

We the undersigned ask the International Olympic Committee to move the 2020 Summer Games now, while there is still time to find another venue. 

Signers: please spread widely.  Email your national Olympic committee-

Also, please sign and circulate


Dear Friends,
Periodic releases of radioactive material into the air spread all over northern Japan, including Tokyo. 

It's criminal to bring young athletes and their fans to Tokyo in 2020.   Please sign and disseminate

Thank you,

Carol S. Wolman, MD


Update #57 years ago
Last chance to sign the NEW petition- same title, different url.

1500 of you signed this petition but haven't signed the new one! Please do!

This is the last update I can send, so please heed, sign the new one, email your country's olympic committee from the link given.

Thanks, Carol Wolman
Update #47 years ago
Thanks to all who signed this. Please sign the new one- same text, different url, which works better on facebook. Please spread the new one far and wide- time is getting short for moving the Olympics. And send it to your nation's Olympic committee- link is in the petition text. Thanks, Carol Wolman
Update #37 years ago
Dear petition signers,
It's been a couple of years since most of you signed this petition asking Japan to withdraw from the 2020 Olympics. There have been some new development, so I've started a new one, now addressed to the IOC and country Olympic committees. Please sign it and spread the word. Thaqnks, Carol Wolman
Update #210 years ago
Mycle Schneider, nuclear energy consultant: ...Fukushima ...can become much worse,..This accident is ongoing,.three years now. There are continuous leaks of radioactivity in the environment because the radioactive inventory is not stabilised. It’s an unprecedented event in complexity, in size and in consequences. The biggest problem is that the methodology chosen by Tepco and the Japanese government appears inappropriate.
Update #110 years ago
In 6/17/2014, the chairman of 2020 Tokyo Olympic Organizing Committee, Mori announced they are going to consider supporting Fukushima prefecture to fight against harmful rumor.
They are going to support Fukushima prefectural government to attract the training camp of foreign athletes and also program most of the Olympic-torch relay course in Fukushima.
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