Well there's a lot more fraud than just the Guidestones in Elbert County there's a lot more stuff that goes on in Madison and Elbert County then what meets the eye and I for one have been done wrong and dirty just like my son has been done wrong and dirty by the courts and the officials in courts systems in both counties everything that is surrounding my son's dads supposed death is,fraud an,almost as if they helped him fake his death !! Why do I,need to pay,someone to help me file a suite against them I dont have money,I need a pro bono,atty look at 2014-105& 2014-108 Georgia probate records .com
    (Micheal charping .) anyway, if u can help get me an attny I can be reached via email hillccharping plz help me Anyone know a good probate lawyer? One who can stop the fraud being done to Hunterchris Charping it's really low down and sad ppl act so Idk the word I'm looking for . except this um money changes ppl for the worse not better .. ppl act low down an down right dirty with there fake child support paper fillings . But I spoke to them child support that is an um sweet heart .. ropes out .. so are the allowances from here ..and they sending paper ensuring the courts that it's fraud so whoever that could have been ... It's Not hard to fig that out .. so a warrant can be precceded with u can't impersonate ppl esp ones who work for government duhhhhhhh.... Grrrrr I'm ok with the darts thrown at me but not my kid grown or not that's my baby an ....I promise u suga pie I'm boomerang bat s##t crazy 🤣🤣 😧🤣🤣😳😜⁉️⁉️⁉️I'll whoop that @$$ and Fly around and whoop that @$$ @gain yea AGAIN AND FTR I WAS ASKED TO DO THAT AGAIN WAS OFFERED MONEY AND I SAID THEN AN NOW ITS ON THE HOUSE ... LEAVE MY KID OUTTA YOUR BS UR A POS IF U LOVED HIM U COULDN'T POSSIBLY HATE HIS KID SWEET HEART U KNOW WHAT ITS FUNNY I HEARD Rumors for years that if something happened to Chris u said Hunter Christopher Charping would get a dollar an if he didn't like it then oh well he would not get that .. honey u met hunters dad at hunters second bday. Party an u hated me an my son since feeling was mutual for a good minute there but u been the furthest thing from my mind up until. U arranged the meeting by pre meditating Chris Charping s demise.. yes I said it he told me several times if anything ever happened to him ud be the one who done it. It's funny blake an nick have had more than they ever did have and it's even funnier that if Blake was stuck how is it that his location is changing on the CAD REPORT FROM THE 911 CALL 1-11 -2014 ELBERT POLICE STATION YEA U Admitted TO MADISON COUNTY AND ELBERT COUNTY MORE THAN ONCE TO BE BE THE " PRIMARY AGGRESSOR IN THE REPORTS ... " AND THEN WHEN U AN UR DAUGHTER COME OUT DUCKING DOWN BEHIND COPS TIRE U Probably TOLD HER HE WAS ACTING UP .. U WAS FEEDING HIM DRUGS IN HIS DRINKS DIDNT U CALL WAS 8 U HAD UR DAD CALL 911 AND CAME OUT THERE AN PROBABLY TOLD YOUR DAUGHTER THAT HE WAS ACTING CRAZY BUT SHE PROBABLY NEVER SAW THAT YOU MADE IT UP THEN YOU TOLD THE FREAKING COPS THAT HE WAS BARRICADED IN THE HOUSE WITH TWO SHOTGUNS AND A PISTOL WAS SHE TRYING TO GET HIM TO SHOOT HIM UP I MEAN WHY IN THE HELL WOULD ANYBODY CALL THE COPS AND SAY THAT I MEAN THAT SOUNDS LIKE MORE THAN TRYING TO SET SOMEBODY UP YOU WANTED HIM TO BUY THAT HOUSE FOR YOUR PARENTS BECAUSE THEY ALREADY GAVE THEIRS UP AND YOU NOR THEM COULD AFFORD A HOUSE WITHOUT HIM OR HIS MONEY AND YOU DIDN'T WANT YOUR SON TO FINISH OUT HIS CHILDHOOD YEARS TO ADULTHOOD NOT LIVING WITH YOU BECAUSE YOUR PARENTS HAD CUSTODY OF HIM SO WHY YOU FORBID HUNTER'S DAD FROM SEEING HIM YOURS WAS FOR BED TO LIVE WITH YOU AND NEITHER ONE OF THOSE KIDS DESERVE THAT NEITHER ONE OF THEM BUT YOU DON'T DESERVE ANYTHING THAT YOU'VE GOTTEN AND HE SHOULD CHANCE THROW A SLANDER LAWSUIT ON ME IF I'M LYING DO IT I HOPE AND PRAY YOU DO SWEETHEART CUZ I WILL SEE YOU IN COURT HOLLA
    Oh an change ur last name u was mad as crap when we went to court when I had Jim Smith and then u screamed yelling acting hateful to Chris an I was a witness to that .. did u blame him for everything ?? An I know about the life insurance does Hmc know about the life insurance an ur brother Chris said at funeral in front of lil richard an his dad " Carla had Chris killed or Carla had Chris killed " and they'll testify to it ..
    And I've got some more evidence I'll let u ponder cause y'all I got this crap it's in the bag .. !!! And YEA I SAID IT LISTEN UP SWEET HEART roll call u know who u are ... Get me put back in FB jail IDC .. u going to the real one lol .. u act stuck up now days haha long way from the dork in middle school I tried to help out . I been stabbing me from day one CAUSE UR BS HAS CAUSED that irreversible DAMAGES TO MY KID and he I 22 but he will always be my baby an AN U TOLD ME and hunter the 4 WHEELER he supposedly died on WAS SCRAPPED for junk it was to bad messed up .u knocked pillars out from under the house when nick was moving out an u did it to Sabotage that house and we know about u forging his signature on or around the 12-17th and u wanted him to remarry u after u covered tattoo with his name on it an u tried to set him up with Marcie an u was suppose to walk in but u sent ur daughter and that's messed up ... Bad ... of January 2014 same year THATS A LIE U GAVE IT TO UR BROTHER WAS IT HUSH MONEY .. AND OH THE BANK ACCOUNTS ALL HIS PERSONAL VEHICLES NO HONEY IVE HAD PI'S ON U SINCE UR DAUGHTER WAS INFORMED OF WHAT WAS ENCLOSED TO HER on FB n u sent someone else to handle my reveler !! U took ur focus off ur kid smh damn all the right choices n u can't pick one outta 50 . U laughing calling us stupid all the while the case has been brewing . Oh n u called cops on ur drunk self an hit him why in the heck did u smack and punch in the head? That was to far and why .. u had him why did u insist on taking from my kid so much was it cause u felt ur kid lived like that ? ( Sean) well my two have only had me an it's been a hard but I'd never kill someone it's like u picked him up and shuck all the change out his pockets and throwed him away and it's crazy cause my mom don't like u an she liked everyone but she saw threw u then and I never liked to admit that I was wrong but I was stupid to think u could be trusted or real if a persons heart ain't right no telling what they'll do an I know all ur tangles even Sean to the segars ars U ARE A SORRY GIRL U AINT A MOM OR A WOMEN TO SIT THERE AN NOT SHED ONE TEAR U CAME IN FUNERAL HOME LAUGHING FOR GOODNESSS SAKE . It's all I could do not to break out in handcuffs ... I KNOW WHERE 22,000 $$ OF Chris an my $ went we scanned ur barcode qr and decoded it so what's up someone screen shot this to the lucky contestant on the murder for hire money was her only desire to get her son home B4 he was 18 and to pay for her mom an dad that house well make me an Chris pay honey ur a 2nd part to that an no deed or paper will ever change it an MINE AS WELL start posing in ORANGE ITS GONNA BE UR NEW STYLE STEPPING OUT... LET'S SEE I BET U WANT SAY SHIT ON MY POST I BET I WONT DO SHIT.. CAUSE IM RIGHT UR A Murder AN IF I FIND OUT BLAKES 2-14-14 WAS WHAT I PAID ON WITH UR BOGUS JUST CAUSE U THOUGHT ID LAY DOWN AN CONTINUE TO ALLOW AN TAKE THAT NO WAY .. NO WAY .. I WASNT JEALOUS FTR CAUSE SEE I WANTED HIM TO BE HAPPY AND SOMETIMES OUR HEARTS MIGHT BE IN RIGHT PLACE BUT OUR MINDS AINT AND B4 U TRY AN CALL ME BLUFF LETS SUBMIT EVIDENCE
    Divorce papers 2012 u didn't marry him till 4 days after we got I. A fight . And when hunter did come to yalls house ud tell him a baby 3 year old that that's some other kids room n u make him sit on couch he got under table at my mom's crying screaming bout how u treated him I can only imagine how u made Chris feel Carla u are a murderer and Blake an nick was at one of them drag strips bragging an laughing that they threw a rock and that's how he got a perfect circle on his forehead ..
    Evidence "B" you if you and your parents were really intended to get that house then why did you have to forge his signature . And u was on 4 WHEELER every other time that day .. u were the grinch who not only took Christmas but him to it if that indenture was me on the 7th and why is it 17th when it's being notarized why is that you know why cuz you hid the mail and you're about to be found out so you had him knocked off so you keep your promise to your son and your parents Carla say it isn't so ... Is it though !?? Tic TOC TOC TOC an dang u run street to much ppl leaving u at mall an tearing threw Chris's houses an u played him to sign them to you so u could " show me " all the while u gave that $$ to ur parents an u abused him an he was a fool to love u I wish he an Michelle had stayed together..oh and ur shirt dragging ass is off now jump . Off of it .. an marshal fell right into it we know the 3565:@ "3567" shit to so ... An well well I bet u promised ur son that B4 he was 18 he'd come live with u well guess what else I got screen shots where u n him laughed saying this distorted man pic was Chris then that the distorted guy looked better u couldn't get all u wanted to give back to ur mom for doing ur job n u had terry Harry's secretary help u with some of those illegal notarized bs .and y'all's repetitively paying with money I paid u got me messed up
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