Demand Our Senators Protect the Freedom to Vote!

  • by: Amy Higer
  • recipient: Senators Cory Booker and Robert Menendez

We, the undersigned voters of New Jersey, demand that Senator Cory Booker and Senator Robert Menendez act now to use their power to preserve the freedom of ALL Americans to vote and to assure that all votes are duly certified. We are alarmed by the efforts underway in state legislatures and recent decisions by the Supreme Court that undermine the right to vote, especially among Black, Brown, Indigenous, young Americans, and the disability community, and by the refusal of Republican senators to even allow debate on S.1 - the "For the People Act." We urge our N.J. Senators Booker and Menendez to make preserving our democracy their top priority, and so to:

  • Speak out forcefully and frequently about the magnitude of the risks to our democracy posed by the restriction of voting rights - and to explain the steps you are taking in response;
  • Work aggressively to promote action in the Senate that will enable passage of effective voting rights legislation, including overcoming the filibuster;
  • Communicate to constituents the most effective actions they can take to pressure the Senate to preserve the rights of ALL Americans to vote and to have those votes respected and counted; and
  • Convene public events, including town halls, to highlight the urgency of preserving the voting rights.
Update #13 years ago
Thank you so much for signing our petition to protect the freedom to vote. We now have 121 electronic signers, and we got 126 hard-copy signers this morning, after just 60 minutes in downtown Maplewood! Help us reach our goal of 1000 signers by July 17th, the one year anniversary of John Lewis' passing. Please keep circulating the link to anyone you know in N.J., and let's keep fighting to make sure Senators Booker and Menendez know how strongly we feel about protecting our democracy!
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