Preserve the Chester Heights Logo established April 2017

April 2017 Chester Heights adopted their first-ever logo.

May 7th, 2018 at the Regular Council Meeting the newly elected Communications Committee reported that since they "DIDN'T PARTICULARLY CARE FOR THE OLD ONE" and they will be rebranding the Borough. They presented 2 new logo designs to represent the residents of Chester Heights.

Tell Chester Heights Borough Council to KEEP OUR LOGO and say NO to using corporate and religious symbols as the representation of our town.
Update #16 years ago
We delivered 173 signatures on May 21st, 2017 to the Chester Heights Borough Council opposing the change in the logo. The council will Vote on the LOGO tonight - JUNE 4th, 2018 at the meeting scheduled for 7pm ( Borough office 222 Llewelyn Rd) as part of the Communications Committee Update. - Thank you to everyone who submitted signatures. Your presence at the meeting tonight would be very helpful.
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