My son 6years old a special needs child was dragged down the stairs from his white teacher.(not that race matters but it will be stated she's white) That was confirmed via the school camera. The teacher was removed Oct.11,2019 and they(school) said please let them handle it. I recieved a call (nov.21,2019) the teacher will not only be returning back to the school but also to teach my son. But let yal handle it right. Well I don't have another cheek to turn. The reason the teacher dragged him was because he didn't want to go to the playground. He wanted to go to the bathroom first.. she felt he didn't have 2 go and forced him by dragging him by his legs and thumping him down the stairs. Then telling him he's n trouble and told him she's going to tell mommy he was being bad. Mind u apart of his disability is that he has to go to the bathroom more often. THIS IS NOT OKAY AND I AM NOT OK.I SEND MY BABY TO SCHOOL FOR AN EDUCATION NOT BRUISES. A FEW MONTHS PRIOR HE WAS HIT WITH A METAL CHAIR AND NEEDED 7 STITCHES ON HIS EYE BROW. MIND U MY BABY IS ALSO EPILEPTIC. 😕🤔. The school is not protecting my child at all. It was captured on camera The school refused me to be able to see the video. This teacher should not be teaching our special needs children abusing them! Please sign the petition for her immediate removal! My son is unable to attend school due to my fear of him being retraumatized.