Tell Disney: #GiveElsaAGirlfriend!

Disney is making a sequel to its wildly popular 2013 animated film Frozen. Twitter user Alexis Isabel started the hashtag #GiveElsaAGirlfriend, noting it would be iconic if Disney put the film's protagonist, Elsa, in a queer relationship.

The hashtag quickly took off in the LGBT community and beyond. Let's make sure Disney hears us loud and clear - please sign this petition to ask Disney to #GiveElsaAGirlfriend!

I was a huge Disney princess fanatic as a child, and I still see almost every Disney movie that comes out. I'm also part of the LGBT community, and I would love to see queer girls depicted on screen, because I wasn't able to see very many LGBT role models while growing up.

Alexis agrees: "Growing up, I never saw a princess fall in love with another princess — and neither have girls growing up right now," Alexis wrote for MTV. "The entertainment industry has given us girls who have fallen in love with beasts, ogres who fall for humans, and even grown women who love bees. But we’ve never been able to see the purity in a queer relationship."

Sign the petition: Tell Disney to #GiveElsaAGirlfriend!
Update #18 years ago
Actress and singer Idina Menzel, the voice of Elsa, has addressed our petition! “I think it’s great,” she told ET. “Disney’s just gotta contend with that. I’ll let them figure that out.” When asked if she’d support the decision if it were to happen, she said: “No matter what,” because Elsa “changed my life.” Tweet at Idina to ask her to share the petition! >>
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