Rescue 911 is a reality series hosted by William Shatner which featured reinactments (and occasionaly real footage) of emergency situations and rescues. It aired between April 18, 1989 and August 27, 1996. Many people have the series was shown on CBS but was eventually discontinued. This show saved lives. It showed people in emergency situations and what happens. It taught people what to do in situations like shown in the show. 350 lives were saved because of Rescue 911. They had two special shows "100 lives saved" and "200 lives saved" which showed people who saved their own or other people's life because of what they learned on the show. I am urging TV stations to make this show again. It will have the same effect as it did in the nineties, save lives. When people watch it, they will learn what to do in emergency situations. So please sign my petition to help get Rescue 911 back on the air.