We are all in agreement that art, science and education plays an important roll in the health of our young minds. However, when a section of the law is used to provide pornography and obscenity which includes obscene pictures (take a look at this link for understanding) https://www.justice.gov/criminal-ceos/obscenity and drawings with explicit language to minors in public schools a stand must be made by parents and the community at large. We are asking that it be repealed and reworded so it does not cover harmfully obscene content of any kind visual/audible-hardcopy digital in K-12 school libraries and classrooms where minors have access. Texas Penal 43.24 (c) falls under providing harmful material to minors regarding sex, nudity and what is suitable to minors. (b) is patently offensive to prevailing standards in the adult community as a whole with respect to what is suitable for minors. But (c) of the section states "It is an affirmative defense to prosecution under this section that the sale, distribution, or exhibition was by a person having scientific, educational, governmental, or other similar justification. We are asking that it be repealed and reworded so it does not cover pornography in written form, in picture or drawings in public school libraries where minors have access. This is not book burning or banning. This is limiting the ability of minors access to this kind of obscene material in public schools funded by taxes paid by the community and shoring up the loop holes and holding people accountable. Please consider signing this petition in support of repealing and rewrting Section (c). Thank You and please share!