Help an old man stay in his home.

Mr. Harper is retired and lives in western Nebraska in an old house. Because of the wiring he could not get insurance and when the hail storm damaged the roof he could afford the cost to repair. The house needs a new roof and rewiring inside. Mr. Harper lives in a rural area with very limited income. He is afraid his ceiling could fall in or an electrical fire could burn the house down. He has tried to get help from various agencies and charities but to no avail. He is a very independent person, but would give the shirt off his back. He grows a garden every year to benefit his neighbors who are equally poor. He could easily lose everything and end up homeless.  Please visit our fund raising effort at:
We are elderly men who are part of a Men's support group, but we have little or no knowledge of how to get this request for assistance out and about.  If you have a network and would help us spread the word, we would truly appreciate it.  Thank you for reading this.

Update #210 years ago
Donation total doubled today! Let your FaceBook friends know about this fund raiser.
Update #110 years ago
Rain last night, good for the garden, not so good for leaking roof.
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