Stop Yellowstone Wolf Hunting with Your Tourist Dollars!

"End it or we won't spend it! "

Sign this Tourist Pledge to cut your spending in Montana, Idaho, ad Wyoming until these states end trophy hunting and trapping of Yellowstone National Park wolves.

The states allow trophy hunting of wolves right next to the park, causing the horrific death and disruption of many of the same park wolves that are well known and cherished by visitors.

Trophy hunting of park wolves has become established state doctrine despite appeals by countless citizens and best efforts by wolf advocates to end it.

So, it's time to apply our power as tourists & consumers!

The Pledge states:

I am deeply troubled by wolf trophy hunting and trapping near Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks. Likewise I am very concerned about proposals for hunting grizzly bears near these parks.
Wolves that live mainly in the national parks, where hunting is not allowed, nevertheless suffer greatly from hunting because at times they cross the invisible park boundaries. It's an affront to countless visitors and local citizens who enjoy and benefit from seeing these park wolves. And it's a cruel betrayal of the wolves themselves.
In 2016, for example, 7 park wolves were legally shot just outside Yellowstone Park while only 5 died of natural causes. Two other wolf families that live along the park's border suffered 3 deaths, all from hunting. None of these wolves were involved in livestock losses.
To date, state authorities have been deaf to pleas from many thousands of people from across the U.S. and around the world asking that wolf hunting and trapping near the national parks not be allowed.
Therefore, until the trophy hunting of wolves near national parks is stopped, I pledge to be extremely conservative and use utmost discretion before spending money in your respective states.

Update #55 years ago
Vote with your tourist $$ for Yellowstone Wolves!
Update #45 years ago
Dear Friends of Yellowstone Wolves:
Keep Those Signatures Coming! We need only about 125 more to reach 10,000 total (includes handwritten signatures). And remember to SHOP SMART! when you're in the Yellowstone area. Click on the following link for details:
All best wishes for a great summer,
Dr. Tony with Campaign for Yellowstone's Wolves
Update #35 years ago
GREAT! We've also gotten over 2,000 handwritten signatures from visitors to Yellowstone National Park. So please keep sharing this online version so we can quickly reach a total of 10,000! THANK YOU!
Update #26 years ago
Overshooting On Steroids & Yellowstone Wolves
Read our latest commentary!
Update #16 years ago
Thank you! We are now over 3000 pledges online. Please urge others to sign. And visit our Facebook page for more updates and Yellowstone wolf news.
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