Tougher Laws- Dog on Dog attacks by High Risk Breeds

  • by: Louies Law
  • recipient: Govenor Rick Scott of Florida/ Mayor Greene of Port Orange Florida!U3yfo 

I have recreated this petition because another attack in my neighborhood of Port Orange Florida 18 months after Louie was killed and again nothing is done for the victim. I am outraged! After invertigating Florida Statues and contacting other counties, towns and cities I am finding that this statue is NOT being enforced with reciprocating criteria.

We want to see legislation passed making it a criminal offense if a dog attacks, maims or kills...PERIOD. Those involved shall be held accountable under the criminal code and be punished accordingly. Any animal that attacks, maims or kills shall be put down. One attack is one too many. If that is bothersome, it should be, blame the negligence of the irresponsible pet owner. Strict laws ensuring accountability and consequence for negligent pet ownership will put a stop to it. Laughable $25 local government citations won't get the attention of a irresponsible pet owner. An arrest, mugshot, having to bond out before a judge and be tried in a court of law will. Euthanizing a dog that attacks, maims or kills will ensure that it does not do it again. Don't wait untill this is one of your loved ones, God forbid, what if it's one of your children! Contact your local and state representatives and demand tougher laws/criminal charges for irresponsible pet owners

Update #59 years ago
After more than two years I finally got a response from Gov. Rick Scott's office regarding Louie's Law...They did NOT ADDRESS the issues at hand only gave me a "SCHOOL HOUSE ROCK" lesson how the local government works....ya think? Do you suppose this is why I am writing to the governor personally for change? You can see the Letter on Louie's Law FB page
Update #49 years ago
Just to update followers the petition was closed without my approval. Please disregard and please share.
Update #310 years ago

Kate Jacobson, Sun Sentinel
6:02 p.m. EDT, June 12, 2014
The first thing David Fitch saw after hearing a blood-curdling scream from outside his Lake Worth home were two pit bulls on top of a man in a driveway across the street, his arm and neck trapped in their teeth.

"It was unbelievable how the dog had him by the neck," said Fitch, who along with another neighbor tried to fight off the dogs. "It was like they were lions to a gazelle."
Update #210 years ago
here is a new story you all should find interesting. An accident waiting to happen. Check it out.
Update #110 years ago
Thanks to everyone who has signed my petition. Please tell all your friends and family to help. I really want to show this to Mayor Greene of Port Orange Fl and Govenor Rick Scott. As a Memorial to Louie I keep up a website for him please feel free to visit or add a comment from time to time.
Many Angel blessings
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