We Need Street Cleaning in Long Island City!
- by: Residents of Hunters Point, Long Island City, NY
- recipient: Michael Gianaris - NY State Senate / Catherine Nolan - NY State Assembly / Christine Quinn - NYC Council / Michael Bloomberg - Mayor NYC / John Doherty - Dept of Sanitation / Jimmy Van Bramer - District 26 / Joseph Conley - CB2
We Need Street Cleaning in Long Island City!
We as a community petition for an expeditious timetable made in conjunction with the Department of Sanitation to bring street cleaning to Hunters Point, Long Island City in 2013!
Whereas we are residents of Hunters Point, Long Island City who pay taxes and would like to benefit from the same municipal services the city provides to its other residents
Whereas the population of Hunters Point has grown exponentially over the last decade as our community has become increasingly residential
Whereas Hunters Point currently does not have regularly scheduled street cleaning
Whereas the buildup of debris at the curbs from the absence of street cleaning causes respiratory difficulties, ocular foreign bodies, clogged drains with resultant flooding, proliferation of vermin and a general dirty appearance detrimental to the health and safety of the undersigned
Whereas the lack of street cleaning exacerbates the lack of parking as non-residents often leave their vehicles unattended on our streets for weeks or months
Whereas unattended and abandoned vehicles pose safety issues, render it difficult to perform necessary street work and maintenance and make it difficult for patrons of local business to find parking
Whereas we have been told that street cleaning has been coming for years with no concrete schedule from the Department of Sanitation or other city officials
We Need Street Cleaning in Long Island City!
We as a community petition for an expeditious timetable made in conjunction with the Department of Sanitation to bring street cleaning to Hunters Point, Long Island City in 2013.
Whereas we are residents of Hunters Point, Long Island City who pay taxes and would like to benefit from the same municipal services the city provides to its other residents
Whereas the population of Hunters Point has grown exponentially over the last decade as our community has become increasingly residential
Whereas Hunters Point currently does not have regularly scheduled street cleaning
Whereas the buildup of debris at the curbs from the absence of street cleaning causes respiratory difficulties, ocular foreign bodies, clogged drains with resultant flooding, proliferation of vermin and a general dirty appearance detrimental to the health and safety of the undersigned
Whereas the lack of street cleaning exacerbates the lack of parking as non-residents often leave their vehicles unattended on our streets for weeks or months
Whereas unattended and abandoned vehicles pose safety issues, render it difficult to perform necessary street work and maintenance and make it difficult for patrons of local business to find parking
Whereas we have been told that street cleaning has been coming for years with no concrete schedule from the Department of Sanitation or other city officials
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