Trump's White House is no longer even trying to hide their lawless attempts to obstruct justice.
On June 19, former White House Communications Director Hope Hicks appeared before a closed door session of the House Judiciary Committee, which had subpoenaed her testimony on allegations that President Trump obstructed justice on multiple occasions. With her were several White House lawyers who instructed her not to answer any questions about her time in the White House — not even where her office was located.
The reason Hicks and the lawyers gave for refusing to answer: immunity for the executive branch. Two problems with this. First, Hicks is a private citizen and no longer a member of the executive branch. And second, "immunity for the executive branch" is not a thing.
Unlike Hicks' bogus justifications for stonewalling, here are two things that are real: a person's legal obligation to provide truthful answers to Congress and Congress's constitutional responsibility to provide a check on the president — both of which Hicks is denying.
In the United States, nobody is above the law — not the president and certainly not Hope Hicks! We the undersigned demand Hope Hicks be held in contempt of Congress for lawlessly refusing to comply with a congressional subpoena.