The law for dog breeding requires you to have a license if you breed 5 or more puppy litters during any 12 month period. Unfortunately, this law is only followed by a minority.
Every day people breed dogs for profit, without any care for the welfare of the animals. This leads to irresponsible breeders and abandonment of many dogs and puppies. In some countries, mass extermination of thousands of animals, including pets, is common.Animal shelters are packed full of unwanted and unloved animals. Another catastrophic consequence of irresponsible breeding is puppy farming. Bitches are forced to deliver litter after litter, which their bodies can't cope with. Once they cannot breed any more and aren't useful to the breeders, the bitches are disposed of. The newly born puppies are usually immediately taken away from their mothers, and placed in small pens. Inbreeding is common and pups are born with defects and health problems. Even though some puppies with problems look normal when they're born, some have visible congenital defects. As these puppies won't sell, they are immediately disposed of, usually by throwing them on a hard concrete floor, over and over, until they die. The same happens to many unwanted baby animals on farms. The dogs and bitches are imprisoned inside where they never see daylight and they can only just move. The area is small, dirty and they're left without food or water for weeks.
Animals are abused, neglected and put down because the law is not policed properly in Britain. Once we've enforced the law of unlicensed breeding in the UK, other countries may follow us. By signing this petition, we can guarantee the punishment of unlicensed dog breeders. The only way to stop the abuse and overbreeding of animals is to punish those who do it.
Update #310 years ago
Good news, people! I received a letter from the House of Commons yesterday stating that the law has, and will be enforced. They wil be urging breeders to get licenses. More and more puppy farms are being raided by officers, and one day, puppy farms won't exist. Thank you all for signing this petition. You have made a big difference!
Update #210 years ago
The House of Lords will be deciding whether to diminish puppy farms this September. We've really almost reached 1000 signatures now and hopefully, along with other petitions alike, it'll sway the members of parliament to ban puppy farms! In addition to the banning of puppy farms, we'll make sure all breeders get licenses. Let's get a few more signatures and then we'll just have to pray from then on! Thank you for all your support!
Update #110 years ago
I'd like to thank everyone for signing- you're all amazing! Unfortunately, I'm not getting enough signatures. Until we get 5000, I can't ask authorities to help change the way things are. If you haven't shared this petition already- please do. I've seen a few puppy farm raids since I started the petition and many were in countries other than the UK, namely America. Remember that if we manage to change the way we breed animals in the UK, other countries will be inclined to follow suit.