Gay sex is not the same as incest or rape! Reverse the ban!

    On 30 June 2017, the 'China Netcasting Services Association' (CNSA) issued an internet content review ruling. Under prohibited content that relates to porn and low-class entertainment, it lists homosexuality as an "abnormal sexual behavior and act", classifying it together with sexual perversion, assault, abuse, violence and incest.

    English translation and article:

    To require censorship of all internet content with gay themes is already a violation of human rights. To further describe it as being the same as rape, sexual abuse and incest is completely outrageous and ridiculous. The gay community in China already suffers widespread discrimination. This censorship ruling will only make it worse.

    Join us in our petition for the CNSA to withdraw their statement publicly and redraft their rules!
    Update #17 years ago
    We have reached 3.5k signatures in 2 days! Thank you all for the support!

    Please read the article and share:
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