Petition for Federal Intervention for Judicial Misconduct with Investigation Refused
I am requesting signatures in support of a Federal Investigation. There is fully documented judicial misconduct and bias; yet, a refusal to even investigate by the committee entrusted to address these issues. The misconduct by Judge, Javan Patton Crayton includes measures to ensure her ruling cannot be appealed. I am an attorney; yet the judge took my pens and pencil and ordered that I could make no notes at the proceedings. This did not apply to the other side; therefore, arguments for only one side appeared in the transcript. Even the court reporter was not allowed to read back the many questions that could not be recalled to address on the record. The Judge cut off the proceedings before the key witness could testify, that would have “turned the tide”, then ordered there would be no further discovery, which precluded even a deposition from the key witness. This testimony was never allowed in the record. Affidavits of the illegal ex parte communication with the other side were ignored by the committee. The complaint against the judge set out more than 20 claims of abuse of process; yet, no investigation was opened. A judgment in excess of $1,000,000.00 was entered that was due to have been decided by a jury not the judge. A motion for new trial is pending. The judge served as assistant district attorney for 4 years prior to seeking election of her seat.
Beverly Barber
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