Tell Ted Cruz: We're not buying your BS about IVF!

Ted Cruz will do just about anything to get reelected (remember when he threw his support behind Trump after Trump called Cruz's wife ugly?) so now that he's feeling the pressure from his opponent, Democrat Colin Allred, he's pretending to care about protecting in vitro fertilization (IVF). 

In a desperate attempt to seem more reasonable on reproductive rights, Cruz and Republican Sen. Katie Britt introduced a bill to "clear up confusion after an Alabama Supreme Court ruling" on IVF. But the bill is a sham, as reported by Daily Kos

It's worth noting what is missing from the proposed legislation from Cruz and Britt: any real legal protections for IVF or an established right to seek assistive reproductive care. Instead, it would strip federal Medicaid money away from states that ban IVF, a "solution" that would hurt tens if not hundreds of thousands of people in those states. That's hardly a deterrent for the red states where IVF bans would be likely, since their lawmakers already don't give a damn about people on Medicaid.

We can see right through Ted Cruz and we're not buying his BS – this is clearly a last-ditch effort to win some votes from people he's pretending to care about. We need to send him a message loud and clear: We're not buying your BS about IVF! Add your name now >>

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