Help Us Expand the ICC’s Mandate to Include Animal Cruelty

    At Born Free South Africa, we are on a mission to make the world a safer place for animals. Our latest and most urgent initiative calls upon the International Criminal Court (ICC) to expand its mandate to address the grievous issue of animal cruelty. We believe that the time has come to hold not only individuals but also complicit governments and social media platforms accountable for allowing such cruelty and the exploitation of animals for financial gain.

    This campaign is more than just a petition; it is a clarion call for justice and humanity to extend beyond our species. The systematic abuse of animals is a profound moral failing that demands international legal intervention. Currently, there is no International legal platform to hold governments, individuals and social media platforms accountable.

    By supporting our fundraiser, you are helping us take a significant step toward creating a world where animals are treated with the dignity and respect they deserve.
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