Stop Killing Dogs & Cats For Their Meat in the USA

  • by: Sue Lee
  • recipient: Dr. Stephen Ostroff, M.D., Acting Commissioner of Food and Drugs

It is sad to think that dogs and cats would be slaughtered as a way to provide a food source for people and has been a common practice across the world. However, the Humane Society has recently reported that dogs and cats are often bred right here in the United States for the purpose of human consumption.

The Humane Society goes on to state that 44 states allow dogs to be raised and sold for meat, with only Virginia, California, Hawaii, New York, Georgia, and Michigan having laws that prevent such practices. Those particular states classify the consumption of dog meat as animal cruelty. Some laws are so unclear that it appears to be legal to sell and consume dog and cat meat. Some puppy mills allegedly sell to butchers around the country!

Help stop the practice of raising dogs and cats for meat by asking the federal government to step in. Sign and and share this petition to demand raising and and consuming household pets be considered animal cruelty.

Dr. Stephen Ostroff, M.D., Acting Commissioner of Food and Drugs

 – Please do anything and everything possible to stop the slaughter of dogs and cats for the purpose of human consumption. Dogs and cats, especially in the western world and the United States is often seen as a sweet and loving pet that is not meant to be killed for their meat. Dog meat is being marketed as a delicacy in butcher shops and restaurants around the country, but you can help to protect our pets by ending this cruel and disturbing practice. Please, help us in our efforts to protect dogs and cats everywhere by strictly banning the slaughter, sale, and consumption of cat and dog meat in the United States.

Update #18 years ago
have sent the petition with signatures to FDA Secretary Dr. Robert M. Califf, MD and will advise further when I hear more from him.
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