Demand Justice for 700 Puppy mill dogs in Georgia

    Recently in Georgia a KNOWN puppy mill operation surrendered 700 dogs to rescue. As to date NO CHARGES have been filed against this operation in Berrien County. This petition is being generated to begin a campaign to DEMAND JUSTICE for these innocent souls. Overbred , Neglected and living in not only their bodily waste but also whatever dripped down form above the cages that wer stacked up high above them. As a State and a Country we must protect the lives of these innocent dogs who are victimized , exploited and treated as a commodity for greedy humans to make large amounts of money on while offering no basic vetting and no basic care. To this person in Berrien County Georgia these dogs wer no more than puppy making machines.
    We MUST DEMAND change on every level of Government. State and Federal.
    This operation and the owners in Berrien County MUST BE HELD AXXOUTABLE and has yet to be charged,and IF .. they are misdemeanor charges may only apply. This person is no doubt guilty of abuse and neglect and needs to be held accountable.
    It's time for the State lf Georgia and many others in this country to start protecting these dogs as living souls rather than a commodity. These faces scream for justice and as caring people in Georgia and this country we MUST HEAR THEIR PLEA FOR HELP.
    This petition DEMANDS STRONGER LAWS against puppy mill operations. To retire anything like this from EVER happening again.
    We DEMAND Accountability for this atrocity in Berrein county Ga.
    And we DEMAND CHANGE in not only Georgia BUT the entire country.
    Federal laws with felony charges
    State laws with Felony charges
    Regulation on breeders on the amount and frequency in witch they breed.
    Age limits on the breeding pairs
    Limits on breeding pairs
    Stiffer regulations on the environment in whitch these dogs are kept. JUST food and water is NOT ENOUGH
    Complete and adaqute vet records on EVERY single dog on file at their residence available for inspection at a moment's notice
    And at least maditory semi annual inspections by revolving inspectors.
    We are starting here in Georgia with the hope and determination to sweep the country with CHANGE
    Join us whoever you are and wherever you are ..
    With us they have a chance ..
    Without us .. They HAVE NOTHING !! From the dogs you wish to support and STAND UP FOR .... THANK YOU !!
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