Stop Antisemitism & Islamophobia in your community now!

Stop Antisemitism and Islamophobia in your community now!

By Shafath ☪ and Guy ✡

Since October 7th we've seen an alarming rise in Antisemitism and Islamophobia. It's critical that schools, government and community leaders loudly communicate their position and actions to reduce Antisemitism and Islamophobia. Ask your community leaders to sign, share and act on this Unity & Peace Covenant.


Unity and Peace Covenant

We stand united in ending Antisemitism and Islamophobia with a shared sense of responsibility through these principles:

1) Safety and Security:

We prioritize the safety and security of every community member, standing firmly against Antisemitism and Islamophobia. We will work with schools, law enforcement, and organizations to protect everyone, fostering a safe environment for all.

2) Freedom of Religion and Expression:

We commit to promoting the right for everyone to practice their faith openly and express their religious beliefs without fear. We support peaceful expressions of political opinion that do not promote hate or violence

3) Unity for Peace:

We pledge to foster an environment in which our differences are not just tolerated but celebrated. Through dialogue and respect, we aim for harmonious coexistence beyond religious and political divides, aspiring to create lasting peace for generations to come.

By signing this Covenant, we commit to being beacons of hope and agents of positive change for safety, freedom, and unity, inspiring others to join us on this journey towards a world in which diversity is celebrated, and peace prevails.


Suggested Actions:

  1. Endorse the Unity and Peace Covenant
  2. Promote the Covenant online and at events with community leaders
  3. Conduct educational events and provide resources on Antisemitism and Islamophobia
Sign Petition
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