This Couple Neglected and Mistreated 128 Animals – Some to the Point of Death

In late January, a police officer received a call about a domestic violence incident at a couple's residential home in the city of Omaha, Nebraska. What the officer did not expect was to discover dozens of animals "in various stages of neglect" as well as floors coated in feces and urine from animals to the point of saturating the carpets. But it was worse than the officer even imagined.

When investigators returned after receiving a warrant to search the property, they discovered approximately 128 animals on the property, including dogs and other domesticated pets, such as rats, birds, a chicken, a pig, and reptiles. 40 of them were dead.

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In addition to the 40 deceased animals, officials found 88 living creatures. These included a pig that was so badly mistreated, it ultimately had to be euthanized. According to investigators, the pig was "emaciated" to the point that its eyes were "sunken in," its spine and hips were protruding through its skin. The pig also had signs of "obvious muscle wasting" and had "extremely overgrown hooves."

Even more horrifying, rescuers uncovered cages containing "mostly decomposing" animal remains littered around the property and in a basement freezer. Other cages contained dogs that were so squished into the tiny containers, they could not fully stand up or lay down.

"This was one of the worst houses that [I have] been in," according to the original officer.

The couple has since been arrested and each individual has been charged with one felony abuse charge, and 32 misdemeanor and neglect charges. Authorities have removed the animals from the home. But the danger remains that these individuals could adopt more animals in the future -- subjecting them, too, to this type of abuse and neglect. That must not be allowed to happen.

Tell authorities in Omaha, Nebraska to ban these two people from ever owning or living with animals ever, again! Pets must be protected!
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