SCOTUS Abortion Ruling - We the People Will Directly Decide

  • by: Tom Paine
  • recipient: American Citizens and Twitter Users

The "Woman's Right to  Choose" Petitions to POTUS and Jackson Women's Health

Petition to POTUS
"We, the undersigned United States citizens, petition POTUS to immediately direct the Census Bureau to expeditiously conduct an American Community Survey and a Post-Enumeration Survey asking the question, 'Does a woman have the right to an abortion as decided in Roe v. Wade?'" Once the ACS is completed and tabulated, we ask POTUS to ensure the resulting answer is publicly published post-haste.  If a majority affirms this right, it becomes a defacto enumerated Constitutional right and the law of the land."

The Jackson Petition
"We, the undersigned United States citizens, petition Jackson Women's Health to request SCOTUS issue an immediate stay to its case ruling until the above enumeration census is completed. If this right is affirmed, we request you promptly advise the Court."


Signature (Enter Information in SIGN PETITION on the RIGHT)

NOTE: To read the "A Woman's Right to Choose" constitutional/legal ARGUMENT that underlies petitioning POTUS to use the Census to legally enumerate a "Woman's Right to Choose" (or "A Child's Right to Safety," and any other retained Inalienable Right)...

To Sign the Petition ---- Please Enter Information in the "SIGN PETITION" form on the RIGHT 

To read the ARGUMENT...  Click this link

Whether it is a woman's right to choose, or same-sex marriage, or contraception, or travel, or exercising any of our other retained rights, it is "We the People" who are the masters of our fate and the captains of our souls.

It's common sense,

Tom Paine,
Philosopher, Author, Fellow Citizen

Update #21 years ago
Good afternoon!

The pdf petition was emailed to POTUS on 7/6/22. It bounced. We then sent it via Express mail (tracking #) to the WH. We were just notified, "Your item was picked up at a postal facility at 3:58 am on 8/2/22."

Once we reach 2000 signatures, we'll send it again. We are also preparing petition packages and letters to potential advocates, including Stacy Abrams, Rafael Warnock, etc..

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Update #12 years ago
Email sent to: at 1:18 EST today.

"We respectfully ask your legal advisors to review the attached petition. It's signed by over 1000 Americans. Also attached is the supporting Argument. We believe this proposal is a viable constitutional process to enumerate a woman's right to an abortion. We further believe the proposed use of the American Community Survey is a constitutionally-sound alternative to nullify the Supreme Court's Dobbs v. Jackson ruling."

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