Stop the Military Using Live Pigs in Medical Training
Did you know that the British (and probably other countries') military use live pigs in medical training and "research". The full range of combat injuries are inflicted upon these intelligent and highly-sentient animals so that medics can try and "fix" them. It's more like the subject of a horror movie but it is a hideous reality.
If a civil quality of nation is to be judged by how it treats animals, as Ghandi suggests, then Britain has truly declined as a humane and evolved nation. Do we REALLY care more about nail bars and reality TV shows than basic compassionate behaviour?? SURELY NOT.
Dear Compassionate People and Policy Makers
The practice of inflciting war injuries on pigs by the medical section of the British military seems the ultimate folly in the pursuit and management of war. Not only do we design, wage and perpetuate conflicts but we then devise the most immoral and inhumane methods of trying to repair the injuries that result from them. Surely as a species we have more than enough experience in treating combat related injuries?!
It shames the military and the medical profession and is evidence once again that animals suffer far more for our presence on this planet than we do.
Please send a message that you wish this revolting practice to be legislated out of existence!
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