Portuguese Government, stop immediately the export of dogs and cats to SouthKorea and Philippine

  • by: Mg Seabra
  • recipient: geral@pan.com.pt, belem@presidencia.pt, gabinete.ministro@mafdr.gov.pt

Pedimos de imediato, o cancelamento de exportação de cães e gatos, de Portugal para a Coreia do Sul e Filipinas ( desde Abril 2015 ).
Estes animais de companhia, são tradicionalmente apreciados na culinária destes países. COMO JÁ NÃO ERAM BEM TRATADOS nos canis, AGORA VAMOS PASSAR A VER FOTOS dos nossos cães e gatos exportados para estes países, a serem cruelmente mortos e a servir de alimento para os asiáticos.

English version

We, the undersigned, ask to stop immediately the export of dogs and cats, from Portugal to South Korea and Philippines ( since 2015 ).
These pets are traditionally appreciated for cooking in these countries. AS THEY ARE NOT WELL TREATED in kennels, NOW WE ARE GOING TO SEE PHOTOS of our pets, to be cruelly killed and serve as food for Asians? NO! THIS MUST STOP!

Portugal exporta cães e gatos para Coreia do Sul e Filipinas





Exmo Sr presidente da República Portuguesa e Srs Ministros.

Pedimos de imediato, o cancelamento de exportação de cães e gatos, de Portugal para a Coreia do Sul e Filipinas ( desde Abril 2015 ).
Estes animais de companhia, são tradicionalmente apreciados na culinária destes países. COMO JÁ NÃO ERAM BEM TRATADOS nos canis, AGORA VAMOS PASSAR A VER FOTOS dos nossos cães e gatos exportados para estes países, a serem cruelmente mortos e a servir de alimento para os asiáticos.

English version

We, the undersigned, ask to stop immediately the export of dogs and cats, from Portugal to South Korea and Philippines ( since 2015 ).
These pets are traditionally appreciated for cooking in these countries. AS THEY ARE NOT WELL TREATED in kennels, NOW WE ARE GOING TO SEE PHOTOS of our pets, to be cruelly killed and serve as food for Asians? NO! THIS MUST STOP!

Portugal exporta cães e gatos para Coreia do Sul e Filipinas






Update #38 years ago

Dear supporters,

We continue to work hard to raise awareness about the inherent cruelty.

We want to save as much as we can.Not send them to a cruel and barbarous end.

We need everyone to keep sharing and signing, .Thank you all.
Update #28 years ago
Thank you for your support.
I would like to get as many signatures as possible,so that the petition can then be passed to the Portuguese Government Let's be the voice of change and the voice of our pets !!!!
We have to stop this atrocity.


This is what we need, more noise, more voices!!

Thank you
Keep sharing and sharing!

Update #18 years ago

Thank you all for the support. In one day we reached 1,226 signatures. Please continue to sign and share because this must stop !!!

In Portugal , the Party of Animals, People and Nature, have 1 deputy in the Portuguese Assembly Republic, since 13 January 2016.

To stop this cruelty, we need to have a big impact, so I ask you to continue to publicize this petition.

Thank you, once again

MG Seabra
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