Stop the destruction of the IWU Philosophy Department!

The Illinois Wesleyan University Administration has sent pre-termination notices to the Philosophy faculty and the Board of Trustees is considering the discontinuation of the Philosophy major and minor. The procedure by which this decision seems to be being made appears highly arbitrary and irregular ( 
We the undersigned strongly request that the IWU Administration and Board reconsider this serious mistake, a mistake which will have great consequences for the reputation and mission of what until now has been a model SLAC.  IWU states that its "primary focus is opening students' minds." The Philosophy Department is nationally recognized for its excellence and has played a central part in realizing this goal. This action by the Administration directly undermines this goal. By getting rid of the Philosophy Department, IWU will be a liberal arts college no more. 
The petition will be sent to the Chair of the Board of Trustees and the President of IWU. 
If you wish to send a letter in support of the department, which would be great:

Chair of the Board of Trustee: Tim Szerlong –

President of IWU: S. Georgia Nugent –

Update #44 years ago
According to Daily Nous the Trustees of IWU have decided not to eliminate the IWU Philosophy Department. Thank to everyone for signing this petition!

Update #34 years ago
The petition has now hit 1500 signatures! Thank you!
Update #24 years ago
The petition is now well above 1,000 signers. Hopefully we will get 2,000. Thank you all.
Update #14 years ago
Thanks for signing the petition in support of the IWU Philosophy Department. It is now at 667 -- 2/3 of the way to the goal of 1,000 signers.

Much appreciated!
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