Children Are Being Held In Literal Concentration Camps Right Now

  • by: Judy Molland
  • recipient: Director, Office of Refugee Resettlement

A new report has found that the Trump administration has been sending unaccompanied migrant children to secret facilities whose whereabouts are unknown to their families and their attorneys, and that are not equipped to care for vulnerable minors.

The investigation, conducted by Reveal, uncovered that the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) has sent young people to these secret shelters, which are outside of the official network of federal-funded detention centers.

Under the Flores settlement of 1997, the federal government is required to provide the attorneys for detained children details of their whereabouts and to release the youngsters to a sponsor as soon as possible. The current practice by the federal government is clearly violating this long-held law.

Not only are they being held in secret, but they are being held in concentration camps with not nearly adequate resources to stay safe.

We must stand up for these children who have no voice and no help!

We must demand that the federal government end this horrible treatment of children!

Update #15 years ago
Things are getting even worse. Children are now literally being held in concentration camps and they are still not getting adequate care, cleanliness or rights. Please share this petition to keep up the pressure on lawmakers to end this abhorrent practice!
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