Let's put JROTC where it should be!

We the undersigned would like to petition the United States Armed services to provide the students at Morristown Hamblen High school East the opportunity to participate in a JROTC program.JROTC is a program for highschool students to hold as a training ground for life. JROTC is NOT a recruting situation however , by choice, one may go through JROTC to the military branches of America. JROTC can't run without the students, in which that was added to say that this programs goal is to help student graduate from highschool and create better citizens no matter what. Help me in this cause! JROTC gives many amazing experiences to everyone involved. I , Melissa L. Denton , take this stand to show that no matter how saturated the state of Tennessee is with the JROTC program, it is our right to have the same chance at a better functioning school as the other schools around Morristown Hamblen Highschool East and or West. 
Thank you 
             Melissa L. Denton.

Update #47 years ago
Hello everyone, thank you for your signatures! I still need about 17 more to be successful! I'd like to have 200 signatures however we need at least 100! Everyone , it takes a moment of your time to say I agree.
Thank you ,
Melissa L. Denton
Update #37 years ago
Thank you all for voting! I do request you to share this and encourage others to simply sign as well. Again Thank you for supporting Morristown Hamblen High School East and I in this cause! I hope all is well.
Update #27 years ago
THANK YOU ALL! So far we have hit 80 signatures. I personally am very thankful for your contribution! Please share this cause and help me get to my goal and beyond! Thank you ,thank you, thank you all!
Update #18 years ago
Thank you all for signing! We have seventy six to our goal. Please share this petition with others,many others! Again thank you!
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