Move the Farmers Market Inside McGolrick Park!

The farmers market in McGolrick park is more than just a place to shop for locally grown food. It is a place where our neighborhood hangs out on Sunday mornings. While listening to live music, we pick out beautiful fresh vegetables, try out an interestingly flavored pickle, sample homemade sauces, and take home a delicious pie with flowers for the table. But we also chat with each other, our children play, we meet new people, find out about activities in the neighborhood, or sit down at a table and eat our lunch. All this takes space! The cramped gauntlet of Monitor Street doesn't compare to the circle of vendors set-up we had INSIDE the park. In this time when our park is under construction, it is especially important to have events where we can hang out together in the park. The signatures below ask for the Park Department to recognize the need for community events in park spaces. These signatures ask the Parks Department to grant the permit for the FARMERS MARKET to be INSIDE THE PARK.

Update #16 years ago
We have received 346 signatures and many comments. The MPNA submitted the petition to Mary Selig, Parks Coordinator, and our elected officials. The electids called a meeting for next Thursday with Mary Selig and the parks commissioner Marty Maher. This meeting could have never happened, with out the 346 signatures from our neighborhood! The comments you wrote really brought it home!! Thank you for your action! I will check in with you again after the meeting. And I hope to see you in the park!!
Sign Petition
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