Investigate the Kingston Clan: wealthiest polygamous cult in the U.S

  • by: Gwynne A
  • recipient: The Kingston Clan

The Kingston Clan is a polygamous group with an estimated 10,500 members. They operate in Salt Lake Valley, Utah. They own many businesses and have ties with hundreds of businesses here in Utah and our neighboring states. They have been known for systemic inbreeding, child sex abuse, physical abuse, child labor, and tax evasion. Children are married off as early as fourteen, typically to Uncles or relatives in their forties. They are taught that the government is the devil and the welfare system was created for them to sustain them financially. They have been known to give large donations through their large companies to state and federal candidates. Many victims who have escaped "The Order" recall horrendous acts such as severe beatings until unconsciousness, rape, forced to eat rotten food, and forced to marry (have sex) against their will. This is a cult, and we are funding it with our tax dollars. They are milking our system for millions of dollars per year.

My hope is to not separate mothers from their children, but to save these children from abusive fathers, malnourishment, sex abuse and child labor. 

Please sign this petition to encourage our state legislature to build a case. The A&E Docu-Series "Escaping Polygamy" is full of live footage documenting the conditions and the abuse, as well as statements from the victims. The IRS raided some Kingston companies last year but we have yet to hear any conclusions.

Authorities should interview these victims and gather evidence to expose this abusive cult. We cannot and should not stay stagnant. No more donations to our government from Kingston businesses. We need to help save these children, as well as the women, who have been forced to live this way. 

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