Congress: Don't Let 10 Million People Lose Health Coverage Under Trump's Budget!

On the campaign trail, Trump promised multiple times to "save" Medicare and Medicaid. People around the country trusted him to remain faithful to that pledge. But instead, now, his new budget will slash Medicaid -- while making room to increase the already sky-high funding for military spending.

Please join in asking your legislators to fight for Americans by rejecting Trump's budget.

If Trump's budget proposal is approved, about 10 million people could lose Medicaid coverage over the next decade and lose access to doctors, medicines or vital services. It would also remove essential programs for people with disabilities, ripping out decades of progress for disability rights.

For 10 million people, this is a life-or-death matter. You or someone you know could be one of them.

Please sign this Care2 petition demanding that Congress reject Trump's heartless budget.
Update #17 years ago
The pressure you’ve been putting on Congress has been working! You’ve successfully delayed the GOPs horrendous efforts again. But, the fight is not over. It’s time we ask for what we really want: single-payer healthcare. Sign and share the petition to get us on track to actually take care of our own citizens.
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