Business Insider has reported that 52 Members of Congress filed late or incomplete disclosures about their stock trading – and the Congressional ethics staff couldn't even tell Insider whether or not the members were made to pay the miniscule $200 fines for not complying.
The way Congress is asked to report stock is begging to be violated, and it frequently is. The facts are that multiple Members of Congress unloaded stock following a briefing on the Coronavirus pandemic that lost significant value as the stock market crashed – and even more failed to report doing so, including Rand Paul.
Add your name to call for Members of Congress to be banned from trading stocks!
There is ongoing investigation into whether multiple Members of Congress violated the insider trading laws after unloading stock after classified COVID briefings. The best way to prevent this from even being a possibility? For our elected officials to not be able to trade stock altogether – and it's an idea with significant bipartisan support among voters.
Members of Congress should not be allowed, or even have the opportunity, to profit off of tragedy and insider political knowledge. Point blank, period.
Sign here to join the call to ban stock trading for Members of Congress!