Florida Judge Bertila Soto STOP Denial of Reasonable Parent/Child Contact - Stand Up For Zoraya

Denial of reasonable access to your own kids is child abuse​
No Contact for Daughter and Father. No Reason Needed - Judge Manno-Schurr.

 ~~ #StandupforZoraya ~~

January 24th, 2015 - I expressed my concerns for Zoraya's behavior to three Supervised Visitation Monitor/Reporter after visit with daughter. For Zoraya's safety and well-being!! The Supervised Visitation Supervisor Linda Fieldstone referred me back to Judge Manno-Schurr and she unjustly suspended my visits and contact with Zoraya..It's okay to be with one of my children but not the other???
 Father's Day Card from Zoraya's Mom
Judge Valerie Manno-Schurr said to me on February 3rd, 2015 to "find a 'qualified' monitor for supervised visitation and you can see your daughter again" ~ Last contact January 24th, 2015. See February 23rd Video testimony...

See More Case 08-29595 - Details

There are many parents out there who for no other reason than a relationship has failed are being denied access to their own children. Our own children are being abused, used as weapons by a disgruntled ex-spouse. Here's your chance to say "No"

The BEST Parent is BOTH Parents!


I, David M. Inguanzo in Propia Persona, being sworn, certify that the following information is true:

The parties to this action were granted a Final Judgment of Paternity on July 8th, 2010. That said Final Judgment and documents incorporated thereto, established the Timesharing and Parental Responsibility of the parties with the subject minor child, ZN, date of birth October 5th, 2006. A copy of the Final Judgment of Paternity dated 7/8/2010 is attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit A.

  1. That since the entry of the Final Judgment or last modification thereof, there has been substantial, and/or material, and/or anticipated, and/or unanticipated, and/or voluntary, and/or involuntary changes in circumstances, which warrants a modification of the Final Judgment.

  2. That the Father has “completely and absolutely” complied with the Court’s Orders, by the Honorable Judge Maria Espinosa Dennis, stated in paragraph 29 and Father has notified the Honorable Court by filing “Notices of Compliance”.

  3. Petitioner/Father complied with “temporary supervised visitation” at the minor child’s day care facility from 2009 through 2011 and also with 36 Family Court Services’ Supervised Visits. Family Court Services Report filed by Supervised Visitation Specialist Monica Escobar, L.C.S.W. throughout 2012, 2013, 2014, and the last visit on January 24th, 2015.

  4. That the Father has absolutely complied with Honorable Judge Maria Espinosa Dennis Orders and therefore the Court must grant the Father normal and reasonable timesharing as stated in Paragraph 31 of the Final Judgment.

  5. That accordingly and pursuant to the Final Judgment, Petitioner/Father has complied with ALL requirements of this Honorable Court. This creates important and substantial changes in circumstances as prescribed by Honorable Judge Dennis warranting Modification of Timesharing to allow the Father reasonable timesharing which may include overnight timesharing, school holidays, school breaks, and summer vacations with the minor child.

  6. That the Father has demonstrated to be a fit and able parent to his older child, DK (born on 9/20/99) the subject minor child’s older brother, with whom the Father spends normal and reasonable timesharing since the divorce on June 4, 2004 under Broward County’s 17th Judicial Circuit Case Number 02-24972.

  7. That this Petition for Modification of Timesharing is in the best interests of the subject minor child because the child will be able to spend a greater amount of time with her father, older brother, and paternal family consistent with the presently stated Legislative Intent of Florida’s Family Law Statutes and,

  8. That the subject minor child (ZN) has expressed a desire to spend more time with her Father in his residence of which she visited often while parties were residing together, and that said place of residence affords the minor child significantly greater accommodations than Petitioner and Respondent’s previous shared place of residence in Miami-Dade County, Florida.

  9. That the Father has proven to show responsibility, concern, love and affection for his children as described by Honorable Judge Dennis in the Final Judgment on paragraph no. 33 and subparagraphs A through S on pages 5, 6, and 7.

  10. That on page 1 of the Family Court Services’ (“FCS”) Supervised Visitation Report’s Visitation Progress  dated January 29th, 2013 submitted by Supervised Visitation Specialist Monica Escobar, L.C.S.W., which is based on the observations of Rafael Castro, Ph.D. and Maria Puentes, M.S.W. the FCS’s Supervised Visitation Observers stated that “Mr. Inguanzo displayed behaviors indicative of being nurturing, patient, and attentive to ZN’s needs”, and that “she (ZN) appeared to enjoy her Father’s company”, and that “ZN and her Father Displayed a good level of interaction.

  11. That the Father has demonstrated to this Honorable Court a disposition, desire, and capacity to act upon his children’s needs. And the Father has proven that he will always encourage that BOTH Parents have extremely close parent-child relationships.

  12. Father has proven successful co-parenting of children since the birth of his son, DK, the subject minor child’s brother.

  13. A Child Support Guidelines Worksheet, Florida Family Law Rules of Procedure Form 12.902(e), can and will be filed again if it pleases the Honorable Court.

WHEREFORE, I, David M. Inguanzo, Petitioner/Natural Father, respectfully request and prays that this Honorable Court grant this Amended Supplemental Petition to Modify Visitation / Time-Sharing, and Establish Parenting Plan/Timesharing Schedule as follows:

Issue an Order Modifying the current timesharing schedule to afford Father overnight normal and reasonable timesharing to include sharing of school holidays and breaks, and summer vacation with the subject minor child consistent with Honorable Judge Dennis’ ruling in her Order of July 8th, 2010.

  1. That the Father seeks an Order from this Honorable Court to establish a written Parenting Plan.

  2. Grant such other and further relief as this Honorable Court deems equitable and just

    I, David M. Inguanzo,Petitioner/Father, understand that I am swearing or affirming under oath to the truthfulness of the claims made in this petition and that the punishment for knowingly making a false statement includes fines and/or imprisonment.

    Dated - Signed - Notorized - Filed at the Lawson E. Thomas Courthouse Center:  May  17th , 2013


The People are also declaring a public health crisis and Human Rights violation; as well as their Civil Rights are being stripped and taken from them and their families, as a result of these above atrocities.

In addition, The People find the Parens Patriae to be more than a doctrine but a specialized position created by the government for the government that violates Article 1 Sec 9, 10: No title of nobility or honors shall be granted by the United States. The title extends to the Courts, Children’s Administration and public education violating the Constitution by depriving persons of life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, and property without due process.

The People demand a FEDERAL investigation of the Family Court Judges of 11th Judicial Circuit in/for Miami-Dade County Florida AND throughout the United States of America.

The people of the United States ask that all Family Court files, case files, court tapes, and videos be put into the investigation. The fact is Family Court documents will show that they are mishandled and manipulated.

Civil Rights are violated, Human Rights are violated; and the United States Constitution is not on the agenda of the Family Courts.

The People of Miami-Dade County, Florida and of the United States of America are being abused by "Absolute Judicial Discretion" Powers of Family Court Judges in CLOSED courtrooms.

Why are Mothers winning custody in Family Court? Why are Fathers “allowed” to see their kids every other weekend and required to pay child support, or not allowed to see their children at all?

Many Fathers have lost custody of their children just because they didn’t take the time to find out the rules of the Family Law System.

Our Adversarial Legal System makes Family Court "Anti-Family Court" and a man can be his own worst enemy even during the most noble of battles, the one for his child(ren).

I'm NOT going to give up. ~~~~~

Update #59 years ago
HAPPY FATHERS DAY ~ Alienation (PA/PAS) causes harm to child(ren) & parent(s). It's caused by hate and anger; Alienators focus on hurting the other parent. Unwilling to let the other child-parent have visitation is PA. Refusing information about child is PA. Chief Judge Soto STOP to this type of child abuse. PA is not a custody battle issue it is a CPS ISSUE!!. Thank you!! Please follow us at www.causes.com/campaigns/93161-stop-courts-denial-of-reasonable-parent-child-contact
Update #49 years ago
TO: Florida 11th Judicial Circuit Chief Honorable Judge Soto
An Alienated Child and Targeted Parent are desperately trying to maintain a meaningful relationship
“David is a devoted father and a very strong Civil Rights campaigner. www.causes.com/posts/954747-an-alienated-child-and-targeted-parent-are-desperately-trying-to-maintain-a-meaningful-relationship www.causes.com/actions/1779107-sign-the-petition-to-florida-11th-judicial-circuit-chief-honorable-judge-soto
Update #39 years ago
C2NN – The Care2 News Network: “Mom says ‘it's too inconvenient’ to give Dad visitation with Daughter and Judge Manno-Schurr Agrees!!” - “I tried to get to see you but your mom told the Judge, in family court on April 24th, 2013, that it's too inconvenient for her to take you to visit with me" What can be worse than that? Judge Manno-Schurr agreed with mom.
Read more: http://www.care2.com/news/member/603873684/3887095 StandupforZoraya.wordpress.com #StandupforZoraya
Update #29 years ago
Thank you so much for all the support! We added a YouTube Video to the Petition!!

We hope you enjoy this very short video of Zoraya's dad and brother.

FYI - Honorable Judge Dale C. Cohen, a senior family court Judge in the 17th Judicial Circuit of Broward County FL, approved the 31/2 week Pacific Northwest Father-Son Summer Vacation and allowed all hearings to be postponed.

We send Zoraya lots of love. We miss you so much. Thanks again
Update #19 years ago
Thanks for your support!
This injustice is easily explained this way: I can be with my son but NOT with my daughter?!?
That "PROVES" that the 11th Judicial Circuit's Family Court and Judges have always believed and continue to believe that I am a "FIT" Parent.
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