Noah's Law -- DEMAND!!!!!! No child crosses road getting on or off school bus.

A fifth-grader at an Erie-area school has died.


Twelve-year-old Noah Wion, who attended Wattsburg Area School District, died Friday morning of injuries he suffered in a crash in Greenfield Township.

It was about 3:15 p.m. Thursday when the boy was struck by a vehicle as he got off of his school bus.

This child lost his life because he was dropped off on the opposite side of the road from where he lived, leaving opportunity for drivers to pass the bus and hit the child. This should not be allowed.

Wattsburg Area School District is assisting Pennsylvania State Police with the investigation, along with transportation provider Durham School Services.

Everyone should sign this and it should absolutely be a law shouldn't have taken such a tragedy to come up with an idea like this especially on busy roads 💔 Chelsea Grygier

This child lost his life due to dropping children off on opposite side of road from where they live leaving opportunity for drivers to pass bus or road conditions bad that drivers can't stop. 

We also need stricter punishment for those who disobey traffic laws in school zones and with bus stops too.

This is so No child crosses road getting on or off school bus

Update #57 years ago
I am STILL trying to find State Reps. email addresses to send this to . if you know please lmk
Update #47 years ago
As of 2/21/17 @ 12:21am we have over 10,000 signatures. I just emailed this link and all the signatures to 40 Pa State Senators.........
Update #37 years ago
I have emailed this petition to all of the Pa State Representatives. Rep. Bizzaro is going to bring this up at the next House meeting so WE NEED ALL THE SIGNATURES WE CAN GET COME ON EVERYONE
Update #27 years ago
I have also added
We need have for stricter punishment for those who disobey traffic laws in school zones and with bus stops too.....
Update #17 years ago
This petition is to get the law passed that NO CHILD CROSS THE STREET GETTING ON OR OFF SCHOOL BUS.
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