Calling for the resignation of @NickSpencer from Marvel Comics.

Nick Spencer is taking a radical personal political viewpoint and injecting it into Marvel comics Avengers hero Captain America, tainting the name and ruining the image of Marvel comics. Captain America started out by taking on Nazis and defending freedom, now, however, Marvel has him siding with Democrats in Washington and beating up on conservatives who quote the US Constitution. This is Anti American and needs to be stopped. This level of politics does not belong in our comics. Join me in ousting this threat to our favorite hero of Liberty and America, Captain America.

Just watch this video.

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Nick Spencer is taking a radical personal political viewpoint and injecting it into Marvel comics Avengers hero Captain America, tainting the name and ruining the image of Marvel comics. Captain America started out by taking on Nazis and defending freedom, now, however, Marvel has him siding with Democrats in Washington and beating up on conservatives who quote the US Constitution. This is Anti American and needs to be stopped. This level of politics does not belong in our comics and needs to be stopped. Join me in ousting this threat to our favorite hero of Liberty and America, Captain America.

Update #18 years ago
Comics should be bi-partisan and bring people of all races, sexes, social structures, ethnicities together, not create more division and hostility in America. There is to much race baiting narrative in our media as it stands already.
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