• af: Jessica
  • mottagare:  Govt. of India
Some days ago, I read an article in a local daily about the killing of a street dog.. The poor thing was captured by people in the street and they kept on beating it.... After finding out that the poor thing wasn't dead they tied it to the back of an autorickshaw and then dragged it through the streets until it bled to death... I really don't know what the world is coming to, where people can commit such atrocious acts and there is no one to fight against it..

If street dogs have become such a menace in India, some humane method should be adopted by the govt. to control the problem.. Neutering should be done on a large scale on all stray dogs.. or else, if killing is the only solution the govt has, then a more painless method like putting the animals to sleep must be adopted..
dead stray dogs in Mysore

I wish that the Govt. would seek the help of unions like
In Bangalore itself the killings have turned out to be extremely brutal... The BMP [Bangalore Mahanagara Palike] has killed almost 25 lakh stray dogs in the past years...
 Here are some of the images of the killings....


 At least save the poor strays from this fate. Please sign the petition....
      We the undersigned plea to the Govt. of India to ensure safety to stray dogs in India..

1. Stop the brutal killing of stray dogs.
2. Provide a better habitat for these dogs.
3. Take measures to medically stop the over breeding of   stray dogs.
4. Give wounded stray dogs the proper medical care.

Killing is not the only solution for a better world...

Thank you for taking this letter into consideration..

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