Crimes in Izmir - Breaking the Animal Welfare Law 5199

This is the story of SARIKIZ (dog) and YAÐMUR (little girl).
They were best friends.
For the last 3 years Yaðmur has been feeding Sarýkýz daily, day and night, even on rainy days, 2 weeks ago Sarýkýz and tens of stray dogs were taken by a truck from their district  to a dog shelter.
Yadmur awaits his return .. but he cannot come.
The mayor of Karþýyaka, Izmir, Mr.CEVAT DURAK violated the law, because Sarýkýz is vaccinated and neutered. The animal welfare Law 5199 clearly states that stray dogs must be vaccinated and neutered and returned to the place where they were found. We want these dogs back safe and sound to where they belong. Dogs do not  fare well in Turkish shelters.  Mayor Cevat Durak owes us to correct his mistake with an appology.

Please sign our petition. 
and / or
Contact Mayor Cevat Durak info@karþ    
tel: 90 232 399 40 00 ,
      90 532 418 28 86 ,
      90 532 213 11 18

Ýzmir Karþýyaka Belediye Baþkaný Cevat Durak  Sarýkýz isimli sokak köpeðini( ve onlarca diðerlerini) kamyona koyup barýnaða kapatmýþtýr. Sarýkýz aþýlý ve ameliyatlýdýr,Yaðmur isimli küçük bir kýz tarafýndan son 3 yýldýr gece gündüz bakýlmakta ve sevilmektedir,kýsaca köpek çocuðun arkadaþýdýr.Aþýlý,ameliyatlý köpeðin barýnaða götürülmesi kanun dýþý olduðu kadar acý vericidir. Küçük Yaðmur Sarýkýzdan ayrýlamaz.Belediyelerin görevi baþýboþ köpek ve kedileri aþýlamak, ameliyat etmek ve þüphesiz onlarý doyurmaktýr. Sarýkýz ve diðer köpeklerin alýndýklarý bölgeye saðlýklý bir þekilde iadelerini acil talep ediyoruz.
Sn. CEVAT DURAK ýn ulaþým bilgileri:
TLF: 0232 3994000  , 
       0532 418 28 86  ve 
       0532 213 11 18 .
Duyarlý herkesin bu protestoya katýlmasýný umuyoruz.

We the undersigned  respectfully request that you return all healthy neutered dogs held in your Municipality shelters to the place from where they came. Under Turkish Animal Welfare Law 5199 you are illegally detaining them .
The child Yadmur is waitng for the dog she knows as her " street dog " to return .. Please ensure that Saikiz is returned to her in Karbyyaka. Do not allow yourself to break this childs heart any further .
We hope that you will attend to this immediately
Thank you
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