Getting Trevor & BTW on the Bandemonium 2 Tour

We all remember Trevor Brown from "Making Menudo", everyone wanted him in the band, unfortunately he didn't make the cut, but he does have a band of his own, BTW. You can support him and his band by signing this petition! We want BTW to join the Bandemonium 2 Tour. I think everyone would love it!
We the undersigned, Katya, Tanya, Priscilla, and Ivette, are HUGE fans of Trevor Brown and his band, BTW. BTW is a talented band that everyone would love to see become a part of the Bandemonium 2 Tour family. Attending Bandemonium was a great experience we all had fun, no doubt about that, but it was missing one thing another genre like rock. I guarentee that all the fans will be pleased to have BTW on the second bandemonium tour because it will attract more fans, give a variety to the music genres on tour, and the "already fans" will appreciate it. We want to thank you for taking the time to read our letter and it would be amazing to have these boys on the upcoming tour.
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