Jail time, community service with probation for Stratford Swan Killer

Luke Van Nes, 20, of the St. Pauls area, is charged with killing an animal and two other federal offences under the Migratory Birds Convention Act. Back in May our beloved Swan was brutally beaten to death and her eggs destroyed. He has pleaded guilty.

For all those people who care about our swans....avocates for animal rights...believe we need stronger penalties enforced on those that inflict cruel and senseless acts on animals.
please sign this petition.

We the undersigned, tax paying citizens of Stratford and other surrounding communities ask that Luke Van Ness (the Stratford Swan Killer) be sentenced to some Jail time, community service with probation banning alcohol for up to 10 years.  Being a repeat offender, Luke has demonstrated his lack of respect for the law and community. Under the influence of alcohol he has got behind the wheel of a car, endangered the lives of other human beings, viciously beat a Swan to death destroying her eggs that where soon to be hatched.

We ask that he not be granted a sympathy ruling. A facebook group has recently been accused of being a "lynch mob" along with being accused of other alleged statements such as "asking for the death sentence". We the undersigned do not support these statements in any way shape or form. These statements are from only a few individuals who no doubt where outraged by what happened. Our intent for this petition is to ensure the appropriate sentence is given. Luke has the right and also deserves to move on with his life be accepted back into the community, without harassment or slander after he has served his sentence.

All we ask is that justice be served and the appropriate punishment be granted.

Thank you for taking the time to read our letter.

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