Keep predator Warren Jeffs behind Bars!!!!

  • af: Caring people
  • mottagare: Anyone against child prostitution and sexual abuse
Warren S. Jeffs made the FBI's most wanted list in May 2006 for unlawfully forcing a 14 yr old girl to marry her first cousin. He lead the Fundamentalist Church of Later Day Saints, a polygamist cult, and facilitated many many marriages of girls as young as 12. Some he married as well.

In November 2007 he was found guilty of accomplice of rape. And last year, the supreme court overturned his verdict an the basis "he did not get a fair trial."

Warren Jeffs is a dangerous pedophile predator WHO SHOULD NOT BE WALKING THE STREETS.  He has raped numerous children, boys and girls, and forced young girls into unlawful marriage with men as old as 50. He is a big threat to children.

By signing this petition I am showing support to keep him behind bars where he belongs and not out to find new victims. We ask the Supreme Court and lawmakers of the Utah and Arizona areas to uphold all charges of rape and abuse against him. I am showing opposition to the ruling that overturned his verdict of guilty.
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