Listen to me, I have a condition!!

We ( the undersigned, believe there are 4 key rights that will help improve quality of life for those people affected by a condition (ailment or disease). These 4 rights will lead to a more Patient Intelligent world thus increase the quality of healthcare.

The 4 rights have been developed by Patient advocacy groups and citizen organisations representing people affected by conditions from across Europe, in partnership with Patient Intelligence Panel (PIP):

1) Right to Share your Voice

For you as a person to share your opinion on your health, your condition, your treatment, your healthcare professionals

2) Right to be Heard:
Access to healthcare professionals who take the time for you and your questions regarding your condition. Also right to be heard by your environment, especially in the workplace.

To have access to healthcare professionals who have been adequately trained and fully understand your condition; specifically how to diagnose and appropriately manage the condition to limit it worsening


3) Right of Access to Information:
To be provided with accurate and improved information about your condition, online and offline

4) Right to get the best Quality of Life:
Quality of life is the way your condition is affecting key aspects in your life. Whether you take certain medicines for your condition or not, you have a right to get the best treatment. Not only to treat the condition or treat the symptoms, but also the best treatment with the best quality of life outcomes. 
Sign this petition, and awake all stakeholders in the healthcare environment. We, people with different ailments or diseases, should be their main focus. Make the world more Patient Intelligent! 
Thank you for the support,The PIP

We the undersigned, believe there are 4 key rights that will help improve quality of life for those people affected by a condition (ailment or disease). These 4 rights will lead to a more Patient Intelligent world thus increase the quality of healthcare.

The 4 rights have been developed by Patient advocacy groups and citizen organisations representing people affected by conditions from across Europe, in partnership with Patient Intelligence Panel (PIP):

1) Right to Share your Voice

For you as a person to share your opinion on your health, your condition, your treatment, your healthcare professionals

2) Right to be Heard:
Access to healthcare professionals who take the time for you and your questions regarding your condition. Also right to be heard by your environment, especially in the workplace.

To have access to healthcare professionals who have been adequately trained and fully understand your condition; specifically how to diagnose and appropriately manage the condition to limit it worsening


3) Right of Access to Information:
To be provided with accurate and improved information about your condition, online and offline

4) Right to get the best Quality of Life:
Quality of life is the way your condition is affecting key aspects in your life. Whether you take certain medicines for your condition or not, you have a right to get the best treatment. Not only to treat the condition or treat the symptoms, but also the best treatment with the best quality of life outcomes.
Sign this petition, and awake all stakeholders in the healthcare environment. We, people with different ailments or diseases, should be their main focus. Make the world more Patient Intelligent! 
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