opposing present draft on Medically unnecessary Veterinary Surgeries

Please take time to watch the attached video to the left.

I strongly believe that my veterinarian and I should be free (as we are to-day) to make the decision whether or not to dock and crop without prejudice and to continue to improve the procedures in use today. The Guidelines presented by the OVC would take away our choice.

The OVC has ignored numerous studies (conducted by their peers) which indicate that the impact to cropped and docked breeds is significant in terms of injury. Europe and Australia reported significant drops in birth rate in breeds currently docked and cropped. As a further result the gene pool will be depleted which limits research on genetic diseases, cancer and other related health issues.

I have been breeding for seven years; the knowledge and experience I have gained lead me to the conclusion that docking, cropping and dew claw removal is, quite simply, good animal husbandry. The injuries and other health issues that can occur to the dog when it is not docked, cropped and or dew claws removed are significant, as are the associated veterinarian fees.

Cropping and docking must remain a choice for the breeder and the veterinarian. As I strongly believe that there are a lot more people in the world just like me I am hoping you too will sign this petition.
We strongly believe that my veterinarian and I should be free (as we are to-day) to make the decision whether or not to dock and crop without prejudice and to continue to improve the procedures in use today. The Guidelines presented by the OVC would take away our choice.

The OVC has ignored numerous studies (conducted by their peers) which indicate that the impact to cropped and docked breeds is significant in terms of injury. Europe and Australia reported significant drops in birth rate in breeds currently docked and cropped. As a further result the gene pool will be depleted which limits research on genetic diseases, cancer and other related health issues.

 the knowledge and experience I have gained lead me to the conclusion that docking, cropping and dew claw removal is, quite simply, good animal husbandry. The injuries and other health issues that can occur to the dog when it is not docked, cropped and / or dew claws removed are significant, as are the associated veterinarian fees.

Cropping and docking must remain a choice for the breeder and the veterinarian
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