Pull the Pink Ouija off the Shelves

Hasbro Toy company released an item just before Christmas of 2008. It's a pink ouija board targeted at marketing to little girls ages 8-12. we need to band together and show Hasbro that we don't want our daughters getting a hold of this item and tell them just what it can do. http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=3107661
I know this is a controversial issue but I think we can come to an agreement as to what I am about to show you. http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=3107661

  We as paranormal researchers, psychics and parents are coming to you not under the means of pulling an item off the shelves that may be against people's  religion to use, but as experienced workers in a field where we have seen first hand what ouija boards have brought into people's homes. We feel that children (especially little girls) should not be playing with such a device at such a young age. This product is marketed at ages 8-12 and is only introducing them to a world of occult practices and paranormal phenomenon that ends them up on a road to nothing but trouble. There have been several documented cases out there which the end result of ouija board play has been the opening of a "doorway" in which is very difficult to close. Please join us in putting pressure on Hasbro, Toys R Us and other supporting retailers of this product.
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