Requirment of Baby Changing Stations in all Restaurant Restrooms

  • af: Michael Carpenter
  • mottagare: Have all male and female restroom in restaurants have changing stations

Requirement of Baby Changing Station in all Restaurant Restrooms in the Entire United States.

Hello to all mothers and fathers in the United States of America. Are you all tired of going out to eat with your family and not being able to change your child in the restroom due to no changing station? Are you tired of being looked upon when changing your child’s wet or soiled diaper on the table that you eat on? What are you supposed to do let your child set in their wet or soiled diapers until you complete your meal? I don’t think so. Leaving your child sit in a wet or soiled diaper for a prolong period of time is not only uncomfortable for your child but also is harmful. Sitting in a wet or soiled diaper for a prolong period of time can cause a diaper rash to occur. According to a diaper rash is very painful for your child which can cause discomfort and fussiness. You all know that we do not want this for our children. The Mayo Clinic has also reported that long term exposure to a wet or soiled diaper is one of the main causes of diaper rash. If you change your child on the table where you are trying to eat your meal, that is not only harmful to your child (possibility of falling off the table and becoming injured) but also harmful to you as their parents. If you are changing the diaper and end up getting part of their feces on your hands and do not realize and not wash your hands you may be eating their feces, how nasty is that? Super nasty if you ask me. You never know if the people around you before that used the table washed it before using it or if the even changed their child on the table. There are a lot of diseases that can be easily transmitted that way. So what I am trying to do is propose that all restaurants in the United States of America be required to have a Safety regulated Child Changing Station in both male and female Restrooms. It is plain nasty and uncalled for having to sit your child on the restroom floor to change their diaper! Doing this exposes you and your baby to many harmful things such as urine, feces, cleaning chemicals and even insects that could carry a disease. All of these can cause a rash to occur to your child if they are allergic to the product or items. So what are restaurants going to do if they end up being sued because they do not have a changing station and the customers’ child ends up getting severely sick because of laying on floor to be changed. My goal is to have 10,000 signatures in person and 250,000 online signatures. Upon achieving this goal I am going to turn my petition in to the United States Congress and to the Department of Health Administration.

© 2011. Michael Carpenter. Hagerstown, MD

Requirement of Baby Changing Station in all Restaurant Restrooms in the Entire United States.

Hello to all mothers and fathers in the United States of America. Are you all tired of going out to eat with your family and not being able to change your child in the restroom due to no changing station? Are you tired of being looked upon when changing your child%u2019s wet or soiled diaper on the table that you eat on? What are you supposed to do let your child set in their wet or soiled diapers until you complete your meal? I don%u2019t think so. Leaving your child sit in a wet or soiled diaper for a prolong period of time is not only uncomfortable for your child but also is harmful. Sitting in a wet or soiled diaper for a prolong period of time can cause a diaper rash to occur. According to a diaper rash is very painful for your child which can cause discomfort and fussiness. You all know that we do not want this for our children. The Mayo Clinic has also reported that long term exposure to a wet or soiled diaper is one of the main causes of diaper rash. If you change your child on the table where you are trying to eat your meal, that is not only harmful to your child (possibility of falling off the table and becoming injured) but also harmful to you as their parents. If you are changing the diaper and end up getting part of their feces on your hands and do not realize and not wash your hands you may be eating their feces, how nasty is that? Super nasty if you ask me. You never know if the people around you before that used the table washed it before using it or if the even changed their child on the table. There are a lot of diseases that can be easily transmitted that way. So what I am trying to do is propose that all restaurants in the United States of America be required to have a Safety regulated Child Changing Station in both male and female Restrooms. It is plain nasty and uncalled for having to sit your child on the restroom floor to change their diaper! Doing this exposes you and your baby to many harmful things such as urine, feces, cleaning chemicals and even insects that could carry a disease. All of these can cause a rash to occur to your child if they are allergic to the product or items. So what are restaurants going to do if they end up being sued because they do not have a changing station and the customers%u2019 child ends up getting severely sick because of laying on floor to be changed. My goal is to have 10,000 signatures in person and 250,000 online signatures. Upon achieving this goal I am going to turn my petition in to the United States Congress and to the Department of Health Administration.

© 2011. Michael Carpenter. Hagerstown, MD

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