Stop the Large "Wholesale" dog breeding facility (Puppy Mill) from being approved in Gorham, NY.

We fight the problem with poor homeless animals night and day with some of us working very hard in finding them homes. Think of that last puppy or animal you saw on Facebook that needed a home or they were going to be put down. I'm sure you said "Awwww, that is so sad". Do we really want this to continue. There are way to many homeless pets in need of homes. Pets and animals only want to give us unconditional love. Pets are not a way for these breeders, these people to proffit and they sure do not show their care for animals. It's a way for them to make money only for the ones who really do care for our furry family members to have to find loving homes for these poor animals when they become unwanted. Help me help stop the problem of homeless pets because of breeders and mills.
In The Name of My Pet
We fight the problem with poor homeless animals night and day with some of us working very hard in finding them homes. Think of that last puppy or animal you saw on Facebook that needed a home or they were going to be put down. I'm sure you said "Awwww, that is so sad". Do we really want this to continue. There are way to many homeless pets in need of homes. Pets are not a way for these breeders, these people to make money and they sure do not show their care for animals, it's a way for them to make money only for the ones who really do care for our furry family members to have to find loving homes for these poor animals. Help me help stop the problem of homeless pets because of breeders.
In The Name of My Pet
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