Stop the Saudi destruction of Muslim Holy Sites in Mecca

 This is a petition to help end the destruction of some of Islam's greatest religious and cultural heritage buildings and pilgrimage sites.  Over the past thirty years, the Saudi Arabian government, illegitimate rulers of the Arabian Peninsula, have destroyed, dismantled, and bulldozed countless Muslim shrines and holy places.  The ruling Saud family, are a bedouin tribe from Najd in Eastern  Arabia who usurped the traditional Hashemite ruling family who were the custodians of the two Holiest sites in Islam, Mecca and Medina, for the preceding 1400 years. Once in power, they  wasted no time in destroying  Islam's  historical, cultural, and religious legacy.  Among they're most blatant offences: They have dug up graves, cut down trees that the Prophet Muhammad himself planted, destroyed wells that he drank from and now have bulldozed the home in which he was born. In addition they have destroyed the house he lived in for many years with his wife Khadija and turned that site into public toilets! They have also bulldozed the house of the Prophets' mother and poured on it gasoline.  There is no justification for these acts. They have completely destroyed any traces of what was around the Kaba and built ugly concrete high rises in their place.  They do this under the guise of their radical interpretation of Islam, Wahhabism, but their true intent is the eradication of the Prophet himself and last vestiges of what he brought.  Why do the Saudis insist on perpetrating these crimes: quite simply they come from a tribe which has always envied the Holy Prophet and the tribe he belongs to, the Bani Quraysh, of which the ruling Hashemite clan takes their lineage. When they found their  chance to rule Arabia in the power vacuum of a post Ottoman Middle East they pounced and began their  ideological push for domination.  To add insult to Injury, while perpetrating these atrocities the Saudi government has poured millions into the archeological preservation of the 'historic' mud Saud family palace in Riyadh their home town, a place of little historical relevance to the world and one significant only to them.  Although he will never admit it, King Abdullah, with his massive oil wealth ,views himself as the bringer of a new 'golden age' to Arabia and puts himself on par with The Prophet.  The Saudis have already destroyed so much heritage that can never be brought back- To understand the gravity of these acts imagine Christians found where Christ was born and then some Church group destroyed that location- it's  absolutely unthinkable! Everyone regardless of faith, creed, race gender and orientation should be outraged at this cultural genocide and is asked to sign this petition to be sent to King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia.  Signing this petition is also a statement against fundamentalism and radicalism as all ' Islamic' terrorist groups have had their background in Wahhabi doctrinal teaching, the state sect of the Saudi Ruling family.


For more information you can read this article

And read this at Wikipedia:


Thank You,

Sayfudeen Mackenzie Watt, Believers for Justice in the Holy Land

We the undersigned,
of all nations, backgounds, and religious orientations,
our asking your Royal Highness to end the destruction of Islam's, and by implication, the World's, greatest cultural and religious sites, such as the house that the Prophet Muhammad was born in, as well as the home and homes belonging to his family and his early followers. These, along with the other sites related to the extraordinary life of the Prophet Muhammad, must  be protected.  It is your duty to do this as these sites belong to all Muslims and not Saudi Arabia; furthermore Mecca's a pilgrims are not 'guests' in your country but  rather you are 'guests ' in the territory of Islam.  The destruction of holy sites in Mecca is a blight on the face of the Saudi  family, is an embrassment to the world and must be ended before its too late . Heed these words for as our holy Prophet advised us :"He who has been a ruler over ten people will be brought shackled on the Day of Resurrection, until the justice (by which he ruled) loosens his chains or tyranny brings him to destruction." Al-Tirmidhi, We trust you will due what is true and right.
Thank you.
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