Support Cecil Bothwell

  • af: Kirill Vyatkin
  • mottagare: prevent relieving Cecil Bothwell of his position
Cecil Bothwell is a city councilman from Ashville, N.C. who is under attack for being an atheist. His opponents cite the North Carolina state constitution as grounds for his removal from office. Article VI, section 8 reads:

"The following persons shall be disqualified for office:
First, any person who shall deny the being of Almighty God. "

This attack on a duly elected public official for no other reason than his religious beliefs cannot stand. It flies in the face of both the American spirit of religious freedom and the United States Constitution.

You do NOT have to agree with Mr. Bothwell's religious views to support him. If you agree that "no religious test" should "ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States", sign this petition and spread the word!
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